

Ivan's that is..

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Since 2006, Ivan Tan has been honing his craft in developing compelling narratives across a diverse range of industries. His journey began with co-founding a property magazine in Malaysia, where he sharpened his skills by writing extensively on various aspects of the property sector including property matters, developers' profiles, development stories & advertorials, economic issues & policies, and coverage of both domestic and international events. This experience laid a solid foundation for his profile writing expertise, which has since expanded to various other sectors.

After the property magazine, he has had the privilege of working on marketing & communications related in a wide breadth of industries. Clients included an Australian property developer, a non-governmental organisation, travel agencies, brand owner of a quantum physics infused products, blockchain technology player etc. His work also extended to the human resources, training, motivation, life insurance, manufacturing, accounting sectors among others.

Undaunted by the diversity, Ivan has consistently delivered high-quality materials tailored to the unique needs of his clients. This includes writing profiles of industry leaders such as the property developers, NGO Presidents & his Executive Committee and also corporate chiefs or C-Suite Leaders such as the Managing Directors and CEOs, highlighting their strengths, achievements and visions.

Ivan Tan's ability to adapt to the different sectors and craft engaging and impactful profiles demonstrates his familiarity with commerce and most importantly, the expectations of the written profiles' target audience.

Why Choose Our Profile Writing Services?

With a rich history of writing for multiple sectors and a deep understanding of how to create engaging and impactful profiles, Ivan is equipped to help you present your story in the most compelling way possible.

Whether you need a personal profile to enhance your brand or a corporate profile to elevate your business, Ivan's expertise ensures that your narrative stands out and makes a lasting impression.

Contact us today to discuss how we can create profiles that truly reflect your essence and achievements.