Pain Wins

Pain Wins

It’s almost difficult to work through noise and moving parts in the close proximity of your workstation but pain? That’s a different level altogether.

This lockdown has brought all kinds of distraction while trying to get the job done. It has its fair share of questions, moving pedestrians at home, sudden blaring horns from facebook, off-key pitches from youtube, the smell, the birds, the insects, the skies, the plants, the plane, yes the plane flying across the sky too despite the lockdown; all that you can imagine!

But the most difficult obstacle of them all to get past is pain. When you’re in pain, whether it is the sore back after long periods of sitting on your flat ass or the pain in the gut for the unexpected nature’s call, you just can’t seem to focus when they come and bite you. Oh it’s excruciating to endure and I swear, at times I can’t even remember what I was doing just before then.

Pain has its kind of power, it’ll take you away from present and into a place you dread going to. It has the power to transport you away from whatever you’re doing even if you’re giving the speech of your life to Queen E. That’s how bad it can be.

I just do not know how and why we can’t seem to get our minds across from pain without the painkillers or its equivalent. It is a show stealer and it robs you off the time you’ve lost never to get it back again. Why?

The mental anguish, the depleting energy enduring the pain, the sweat, and sometimes blood. Oh I wish the pain would go away…just as the pain of knowing this Covid-19 is going to impale us with The Greater Depression than the 1920’s/1930’s.

Oh help us Lord!

Oh help us Lord!
Oh help us Lord!
(Photo by Luca Nardone on Pexels.com)

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