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What Would You Do If You’re Living Out Your Final Days?

Would you live it differently?

That’s right, what and how would you live it differently if you know in advance it’s already your final stretch?

There’s no way to describe if such an intuition or divine indications are ever true but should it be realised, would you take a moment to remap your ways?

What if you're dying, what would you do?

One – If this were to be my final days, I believe I’d rekindle those relationships that have been swayed beyond belief.

Two – I’d also seek the Lord for His grace to fulfill my final duties and this may include imparting as much knowledge as I can through as many effective channels as I can find to reach the intended audience. One such group is the youth. I for one have gone on many an erroneous routes and it would only be logical to share my ill experiences and point them in the right direction.

Three – I would also thank those who have helped me genuinely, especially those who have done so unconditionally. Words can do no justice to the debt I owe them, monetarily included, but if I’m unable to repay before I go, I would try my level best to let them know how sorry I am to fail at this obligation. It is truly unintentional but it has been such that it is now inevitable and gravely regretting at that.

Four – To my immediate family members, I’d pray constantly that God will make Himself known to you. For it is only with Jesus Christ where life can truly be said to be meaningful. And to be able to serve Him, it is the highest honour anyone can achieve. Although my praise to Him seems great, it is incomparable to how He has extended His presence into my life. To God be all the glory!

Grateful and thank you

Not A Novel Idea

As all things on earth, this idea of thinking if it’s your last as a motivation to what you’re going to do was first discovered about a decade ago in a business weekly. In it was an article about what a company can do to raise the attention and motivation of its personnel.

The trainer in question suggested the “closing down of the company” because through a realisation of such a depressing closure, it might just ignite the sparks to ramp up performance and sometimes excites the mind to race with new ideas for breakthroughs.

Will it work?

I have copied that idea and put it to our team during our Annual Brainstorming session to map out the steps for the subsequent year. The result was phenomenal!

From a struggling company, we experienced a breakthrough not only from the ideas the team provided but but also the actions everybody took in the months that followed.

Lightning motivation

I guess everyone was jolted by the closure’s lightning bolts that lit a clear pathway to fight for the company’s survival.

In retrospect, sometimes our intentions just need to be electrocuted for us to be awaken from our mediocre or subpar performance. And if an enterprise is already struggling, what more is there to lose?

This brightly lit lightning we experienced may just be the remedy to restore a company’s direction. I know it has proven itself a decade ago.

If you’re looking to revive your soul and thought it might be too late, don’t be. You’ve not tried this just yet. It could just be the answer to rejuvenate your senses.